Overnight Sensation | Motorhead | Supertesti.it

Overnight Sensation

Testo Overnight Sensation

I know you‘re only talking
To keep the silence out
Maybe you should listen and leave some room for doubt
You‘re just handing out bad reputations
Why don‘t you shut your mouth

Overnight sensation,
All mouth and no soul
The bad boys sold your franchise
And stole your Rock ‘n‘ Roll

I know I ain‘t no beauty
But I know who I am
I ain‘t running for sheriff
I ain‘t that kind of man
To live outside the law , my dear
You gotta give a damn

Overnight sensation
You be shot full of holes
The bad boys stole your franchise
And stole your Rock ‘n‘ Roll

You know you put the hurt on me
You do it all the same
Us guys ain‘t s‘pose to hurt at all
Our faces fit the frame
You know I‘m only talking
To keep you here with me
Maybe you should listen
How hard could it be
Good manners don‘t cost nothing
But that ain‘t what you want from me

Overnight sensation
Turn your hard heart cold
The bad boys sold your franchise
And stole your Rock ‘n‘ Roll

You‘re just looking for someone
To take your spirit home
The bad boys sold your franchise, baby
And stole your Rock ‘n‘ Roll

Playlist Spotify

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